As a child, I followed my diplomatic parents around the world and had many enriching experiences. My adventures included moving to 10 schools in 15 years, living in London, Paris, Myanmar, and New Delhi and finally, settling in the French Alpes.  

This life of constant movement and the challenges it entailed taught me to see things from different perspectives…which is what enables me to help my clients today. I do this. by helping them broaden their worldview and teaching them the art of stepping back and looking at things from a higher perspective.

Perspectives Training and Coaching for Diverse Teams

I work with senior managers and their teams. My clients are committed to building better teams cultures by deepening the understanding between the people on their teams.

I train diverse, multicultural teams to deepen their understanding of the different cultures they interact with. To take teams from Judgment to Analysis to Acceptance, I believe in the experiential and social learning model. In my interactive workshops, my clients are invited to talk about the specific challenges they face so that they know how to adjust, adapt, communicate and cooperate better.

This ensures that your employees and teams have a better working experience and become effective at communicating and collaborating.

I work with women executives who are committed to their growth and success.

Individual Coaching: Perspectives for Leadership Excellence

In cycles of 6 to 8 sessions, I coach senior executives to deepen their self-awareness and self-acceptance to make better, more aligned decisions. My clients are successful people who know that humility, consistency and courage are the hallmarks of success.

If you have ever wondered: “How can I identify and leverage my strengths and resources to maximize effectiveness?” this coaching is for you!

Some areas that coaching covers:

Conscious decision-making: Make informed decisions aligned with long-term goals and motivations.

Goal setting: Establish clear objectives and a roadmap for professional development.

Enhanced self-knowledge: Gain deeper insights into your talents, values, and growth areas.

Effective communications and self-perception: Improve communication strategies and enhance self-awareness.

Strategic networking: Develop effective strategies for engaging with key individuals who support your growth.

What my clients say…

  • Sarah Parvi

    Through these coaching sessions, I was able to experiment and introspect. I was able to return to what is essential to me.

    Today, I have decided to seize an exciting new professional opportunity that has come my way and I am convinced that coaching with Nandita made it possible.

    Thank you again, Nandita, for your professionalism that leaves nothing to chance.

    Sarah Parvi

    HR Director

  • Lion Goodman, PCC

    “Nandita is a consummate executive coach. She has mastered the art of directive inquiry, similar to Socratic dialogue. She asks questions that stimulate deep self-awareness and inner recognition. Her sensitivity and gentle manner make you feel comfortable as you explore what may be uncomfortable territory – which is where all the gold is buried. If you’re seeking a professional coach to guide you into a better future, call Nandita.”

    Lion Goodman, PCC

    Founder, Clear Beliefs Institute

  • F. Mahi

    Nandita coached me at a time when I very much needed to broaden my vision and my heart to new possibilities. She had the intelligence to guide me towards seeing precisely where my path was blocked. With great finesse, she helped me to understand that my way of functioning and thinking was far from what I believed. I became aware of this thanks to her agile questioning and pertinent feedback.

    Transformation in one area often leads to change in another and since my coaching with Nandita, I have taken several new turns, both professionally and personally. I have had the courage to step off the beaten track. Thank you very much Nandita!


  • Andy Stein

    Nandita is the consummate professional coach. She has guided me to focus on the issues most important to our work, and identify areas where improvement was needed. Nandita has been my “Yoda” in becoming a more effective leader, a more patient leader, and a more empathetic leader of our Foundation; and there are over 16,000 orphans, survivors of abuse and at-risk youth who will forever benefit from her expertise. Our working relationship was completely smooth and seamless as she instilled confidence from the beginning of our sessions. I highly recommend Nandita... If you need help in developing or changing strategies, or accelerating growth please send her a message at the soonest.

    Andy Stein

    Founder and Executive Chairman at Orphaned Starfish Foundation

Are you motivated to broaden your perspectives?

Would you like to deepen your self-awareness and make better decisions?

Are you committed to exploring solutions to achieve greater balance and success?

let’s talk.

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