Embracing Diversity: The Power of Unveiling Our True Colors
I was born in India, and my parents moved to London when I was just 18 months old. I was then raised in many different parts of the world and went to 10 schools in 15 years. It was a rich and enriching time. Being the new girl was also lonely, and not knowing how to navigate the implicit rules that reigned in each new school was hard. As a teenager, when I came back to India after having spent a long time abroad, I returned with an accent that I had picked up in an international school. I came back after having traveled all over the place - to a school where most of the students had never been on an airplane. I came back with my blue eyes that I was born with, but for which, all the credit goes to some funky genetics and maybe a great-great-grandmother who had some fun on the side! All these differences made me unfamiliar and therefore dangerous. It took me a long time to accept my differences as being my strengths. It took me a long time to stop hiding behind the fear of judgment. It took many missed opportunities too.
Shel Silverstein's poem "Masks" beautifully reminds us of the opportunities that arise when we embrace diversity...and those that we would have missed had we remained hidden.
She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid,
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by—
And never knew.
by Shel Silverstein:
In the pursuit of meaningful connections, sometimes it's the hidden parts of ourselves that hold the key. Like two souls with blue skin passing each other, we often keep our true selves concealed. But what if we dared to show our authentic colors? What if we celebrated our uniqueness instead of hiding it away?
In a world of diverse talents, backgrounds, and perspectives, let's make a conscious decision to break free from the masks we wear. We do this by both embracing our individuality and appreciating the diversity around us, and in doing so, we create a richer tapestry of human connection.
Let's seize the opportunity of diversity to unlock new possibilities, build bridges, and foster an inclusive environment where everyone's true colors can shine. Together, we can create a world where understanding and acceptance reign, and authentic connections flourish.
#InterculturalInclusivity #Diversity #Inclusion #Authenticity #EmbraceDifferences #HumanConnection